Oakridge federal facility agreement copy em
Oakridge federal facility agreement copy em

oakridge federal facility agreement copy em

Volume 2, January-March 1996 Volume 2, January-March 1996 Title: Oak Ridge Reservation Federal Facility Agreement: Quarterly report for the Environmental Restoration Program.

oakridge federal facility agreement copy em

Volume 1, Quarterly report, October-December 1995, OSTI.GOV Technical Report: Oak Ridge Reservation Federal Facility Agreement: Quarterly report for the Environmental Restoration Program. Oak Ridge Reservation Federal Facility Agreement for the Environmental Restoration Program. activities at the ORR under a Federal Facility Agreement with EPA and the. stats/stats.json?ark=ark:/67531/metadc665925 In 1942, the federal government established the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) in. oai/?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=info:ark/67531/metadc665925 International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) It also provides a listing of the identity and assigned tasks of contractors performing ER Program work under the FFA. Specifically, it includes information on milestones scheduled for completion during the reporting period, as well as scheduled for completion during the next reporting period (quarter) accomplishments of the ER Program concerns related to program work and scheduled activities for the next quarter. This document provides information about ER Program activities conducted on the Oak Ridge Reservation under the FFA. Appendix A of this report meets the FFA milestone for the Annual Removal Action Report for the period FYs 1991-95. The FFA Quarterly Report meets an FFA milestone defined as 30 days following the end of the applicable reporting period. Publication of this document meets two FFA milestones. In this capacity, he has overall responsibility for ATSDR s environmental public-health programs at federal hazardous-waste sites. This work was performed under Work Breakdown Structure (Activity Data Sheet 8304). The reporting period covered in this document is October through December 1995. This Oak Ridge Reservation Federal Facility Agreement Quarterly Report for the Environmental Restoration Program was prepared to satisfy requirements for progress reporting on Environmental Restoration Program (ER) activities as specified in the Oak Ridge Reservation Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) established between the US Department of Energy (DOE), the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.

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