If you’re on a Dropbox Business team, ask your admin to check the team’s account status in the Admin Console. If you already have a Plus or Professional account, check your account page to make sure your plan hasn’t been downgraded. Making sure Dropbox is allowed through the firewall Checking Your storage plan in Dropbox account settings You can fix your storage quota issue by removing some of your synced files or by upgrading to Dropbox plus or professional.Make sure Dropbox is allowed through your firewall.

Make sure no proxy, VPN is running in the background.You should make sure your date and time settings are correct.These tips will help if you are having issues connected to the internet or you don’t have storage left. Solution 1: Configuration of Settings and Upgrading Your accountīefore we start configuring files and settings, you can perform the basic troubleshooting techniques. Proxy settings: If you are using a proxy or VPN while syncing it might also cause the problem because Dropbox will recognize that as a security violation.
Dropbox folder sync windows 10 update#
Firewall Issues: If the Dropbox app or its update is not allowed through the firewall then also it can cause issues because it might have problems connecting with the internet.Identical Names: If two files have identical names then the dropbox will not sync it because it causes errors in recognition of the files.