Codekit and mamp server error for mac#
But opting to move towards the node/npm/gulp/etc workflows will open up a lot more possibilities for you and you'll learn a lot more, and as far as local servers and synchronized browser testing - BrowserSync and local apache setup for mac FTW - and definitely Vagrant/VirtualBox if you want everyone and every instance of your app on the same system. My workflow includes constantly working with Codekit, MAMP, Gitbox and Transmit. I still use Codekit now and then for quick prototypes as I really do enjoy the simplicity and ease of the app, it just works. FYI: I got an error installing Grunt CLI that said Please try running. CodeKit downloads and configures the latest version. Tailwind + Bootstrap Spin up a Tailwind, Bootstrap, or Zurb Foundation project in seconds. Easily see outdated items and update them in place.

And honestly, you could do pretty much everything Gulp does with just node.js. Install over 1,300,000 packages with one click. Thus working with cross platform tools such as node allows a cleaner and more open ended collaborative experience, and it's really not that hard to get started - personally I'd recommend Gulp over Grunt but its up to you. There in lies the problem, and as others have mentioned - the dependency issue arrises - others must also have Codekit and be working on a mac ( similar apps of that type that are cross platform are PrePros and Koala - and then there was Mixture but that even closed up shop in favor of Gulp/Grunt ), although there are some workarounds which would probably clutter up your repo. I've used Codekit from the get-go and its been awesome - super quick and painless setup, fast, and as long as the people you're developing the project with also have Codekit then everything's peachy*.